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Careers: Design Technology

Design Technology

Design Technologies

Do you enjoy or are you good at Industrial Art? (Click here for the Industrial Art Bullseye poster)
Click here for a list of examples of where an interest in Design Technology can lead  you, including University Courses, TAFE courses and Apprenticeships. Information provided by the IMVC in their Subject Selection Kit

Why Study Design Technologies?

The study of Art emphasises innovative thinking and investigation and the ability to progressively develop ideas and personal concepts, and refine skills. This involves the production of visual solutions. Visual Communication is a bridge between an idea and its intended audience. In the fields of architecture, engineering, graphic, industrial and multimedia design, advertising and marketing, cartography and fashion, for example, visual communicators use text and/or image to communicate information. The visual form that the communication takes may be imaginative and original or it may conform to conventions or accepted rules. The production of visual communications involves the application of a design process in which final presentations are developed in response to needs identified in an initial brief. The design process provides a defined, yet flexible approach, to the development, evaluation and refinement of visual communication solutions.


Design and Technology play an important part in our daily lives. It determines the form and function of the products we use and wear. Designing transforms ideas into drawings and plans for the creation and manufacture of useful products. Designer-makers use processes to develop products that fulfill human needs and wants. The combination of design and technical skills is vital if we are to create and use sustainable products, and add value to these products through commerce. In Design and Technology students assume the role of a designer-maker and develop knowledge and skills to produce effective and creative responses to design challenges. Study in any of these related fields can provide a pathway to a range of occupations.

            (Composite Extractions from V.C.A.A. Study Summaries: 30 Jan 2008)

Career Possibilities Related to DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES:

§  Automotive  Parts interpreter

§  Animator  

§  Audiovisual  Technician

§  Clothing  Patternmaker

§  Body  artist

§  Bicycle  Technician

§  Craft  instructor

§  Cartographer

§  Costume  maker

§  Dressmaker  Set designer

§  Desktop  publisher

§  Display  artist

§  Ergonomist

§  Engineering  tradesperson

§  Education  aide

§  Footwear  worker

§  Fashion  coordinator/ designer

§  Fibre  textile worker

§  Glass  craftsperson

§  Film  & TV lighting operator

§  Florist

§  Hairdresser

§  Graphic  designer/ artist

§  Graphic  press operator

§  Illustrator

§  Industrial  designer

§  Interior  designer/ decorator

§  Milliner

§  Landscape  Architect

§  Leather  worker

§  Museum  technician

§  Model  maker

§  Multimedia  developer

§  Occupational  therapist

§  Musical  instrument maker

§  Naval  architect

§  Prosthetist/  Orthotist

§  Optical  mechanic

§  Photographer

§  Set/  Stage designer

§  Retail  buyer

§  Sculptor

§  Sound  technician

§  Shipwright

§  Signwriter

§  Textile  designer

§  Surgical  bootmaker

§  Teacher

§  Web  designer/ developer

§  Theatre  costume designer

§  Toymaker  

§  Wood  carver/ turner

§  Visual  merchandiser


DESIGN TECHNOLOGIES – industry & related information Australian Graphic Design Association. Australian Institute of Landscape Architects – website provides some useful student resources on careers in landscape architecture, courses and employment information. Building Designers Association of Victoria – site provides links to courses in building design. Design Institute of Australia. Engineers Australia. ; Ergonomics in Australia. Furnishing Industry (VIC/TAS) Inc. Innovation & Business Skills Australia. Manufacturing Skills Australia. Resources and Infrastructure Industry Skills Council – site contains downloadable wall charts showing career pathways (publications link). This website contains numerous information sheets and exercises to enhance the study, understanding and teaching of DESIGN and TECHNOLOGY. – Victoria Woodworkers Association. Design Technology site. Industrial design super site.

Acknowledgement of St Kevins Careers Department for sharing this content. 2014

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