If you are not sure what to read next, you can always come to one of the friendly Library staff for suggestions or you can simply go to one of the following websites to find something to read. You can also search for authors who write your favorite books to discover more writers to love. There are endless books waiting for you!
Click on the book cover to go to the Library catalogue to place a hold. Use your school email as user name and password when you access from off campus.
The CBCA presents annual book awards for outstanding contribution to Australian children's literature. Click here to see previous winners of Children's Book of the Year Awards. To see the latest shortlist, click this link.
We welcome suggestions for new titles which are suitable for our Library Collection.
If you can't find an item in our catalogue you can request for it to be purchased.
Once you have made your suggestion, we will let you know if we will proceed with the purchase.
The time for arrival of a new title will vary, but we will notify you once it has been received.
Please fill the following form as much as you can. It is OK to leave blanks in some of the fields.