Studio Arts Frequently asked Questions1. What is the difference between Art and Studio Arts?
2. What is the difference between ‘Studio Practice’ and ‘Studio Process’
3. ‘Visual Language’
4. Can you explain the ‘Studio Process’ in Units 3 and 4? How are potential directions evaluated and then refined in Unit 4?
5. Can you clarify what is required in the Exploration Proposal in Unit 3 and the Evaluation Document in Unit 4?
6. Can you clarify what is defined as a ‘Visual Diary?’
7. How many artists do the students study in Unit 3 Area of Study 3: Artists and Studio Practice?
8. What exhibitions do the students study in Unit 4 Area of Study 3: Art industry contexts?
9. Copyright, appropriation and referencing.
Students should be mindful of copyright requirements for entry into the Season of Excellence. Information regarding Copyright and Top Arts can be found on the Season of Excellence webpage.